Day 39: Mastering AWS: A Comprehensive Guide to User Data, IAM, and EC2 Instance Management 🔐

Day 39: Mastering AWS: A Comprehensive Guide to User Data, IAM, and EC2 Instance Management 🔐

Day#39 Of 90 Days Of DevOps Challenge


Amazon Web Services (AWS)☁️stands as a dominant force in the realm of cloud computing.

Renowned for its reliability, scalability, and the added perk of a free tier, AWS serves as an invaluable playground for students and cloud enthusiasts eager to acquire hands-on experience.

This guide aims to delve into two pivotal AWS features:

User Data and Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Additionally, we will undertake a practical task, namely launching an EC2 instance equipped with Jenkins.

So, whether you're an AWS newcomer or a seasoned user, let's embark on our journey into the world of cloud computing.

💻AWS User Data

When initiating an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance, you are presented with the option to furnish user data, capable of automating post-launch configurations and script execution.

User data can be presented as shell scripts or cloud-init directives, and you have the flexibility to input it as plain text, a file, or base64-encoded text.

This feature is a game-changer, significantly reducing the time and effort required during instance setup, regardless of whether you're installing Apache, Docker, Jenkins, or any other application.

🔒AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) serves as the cornerstone of security within the AWS ecosystem.

As a web service, IAM is designed to empower you to securely control access to your AWS resources.

Through IAM, you gain centralized control over permissions, dictating who can authenticate (sign in) and who can be authorized (granted permissions) to utilize your resources.

IAM's precision and control are pivotal in effectively securing your AWS environment.

📃Task 01 - Launching an EC2 Instance with Jenkins

Now, it's time to put our knowledge into action by launching an EC2 instance pre-loaded with Jenkins.

This task not only demonstrates AWS's capabilities but also streamlines the setup process for essential applications.

  1. Launching an EC2 Instance
  • Access the AWS Management Console.

  • Navigate to the EC2 dashboard.

  • Initiate the instance creation process by clicking the "Launch Instance" button.

  1. Selecting the Appropriate Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
  • Within the EC2 service, proceed to "Launch Instance."

  • Choose a Linux AMI that aligns with your specific requirements.

  • Configure your instance details. Provide the suitable key pairs and security groups.

  • Select the advanced settings in the instance creation page.

  • Navigate to the User-data section and write a shell script to install Java & Jenkins on the server

  • Launch the Instance

       sudo apt update
       sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre -y
       curl -fsSL | sudo tee \
         /usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc > /dev/null
       echo deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc] \ binary/ | sudo tee \
         /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list > /dev/null
       sudo apt-get update
       sudo apt-get install jenkins -y
        sudo systemctl enable jenkins
        sudo systemctl start jenkins

  • Include the port 8080 which is the Jenkins default port in the security group of the server.

  • After launching the instance, connect to the server & check the Java & Jenkins version


  • Upon confirming that the server is operational, access the Jenkins page by using the public IP to access the URL through port 8080 in your web browser.

📖Task 2 - IAM Role Management and Exploration

  1. Comprehending the Elements of IAM: IAM Users, Groups, and Roles

    • IAM Users: These are individual AWS accounts created for individuals or applications requiring access to AWS resources.

      Each user possesses distinct security credentials, encompassing a username, password, access keys, and permissions.

    • IAM Groups: These group collections of IAM users, simplify the management of permissions by assigning them to groups rather than individual users.

      For instance, a "developers" group can be granted permission to access development resources, simplifying the management process when new users are added to the group.

    • IAM Roles: Roles are entities assumed by trusted entities such as EC2 instances or Lambda functions to access AWS resources.

      Roles may be equipped with permissions policies, defining their authorized actions.

  2. Creating IAM Roles: DevOps-User, Test-User, and Admin

    • Access the AWS Management Console and navigate to the IAM dashboard.

    • Proceed to "Roles" on the left-hand menu, followed by "Create role"

    • Opt for an appropriate use case for the role. For, if you want to create a role for an EC2 instance, choose "AWS service" and then "EC2".

    • Select the appropriate permissions policies for the role. You can choose from existing policies or create a custom policy.

    • Enter a name for the role and click “Create role” as DevOps-User

    • Repeat these steps for each role required: Test-User and Admin.

    • Once the roles are created, you can assign them to individual IAM users or groups as needed, and control their access to AWS resources.


Amazon Web Services presents a vast array of features and services, empowering users to unlock the full potential of cloud computing.

Throughout this guide, we've delved into User Data, IAM, and role management, equipping you with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate AWS with confidence.

Whether you're streamlining instance configurations or fine-tuning access control, AWS continues to be the leading choice for cloud enthusiasts and learners alike.

Happy learning🎉 & may your cloud journey be filled with exciting discoveries!🎊

Thank you for joining us on this exciting Day 39 of the 90 Days of DevOps challenge. I hope you found the information helpful and insightful.

Stay tuned for Day 40 as we delve deeper into AWS and uncover more of its incredible capabilities.

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